i am not agaist anything .my concern is always for peace and development,no exposyre to those who want to get exposure and publicity by coming before camera by giving such statements which show their supremacy or want to bring forward themselves as heroes or the only nominees of society and their decision is binding to all. in my previous blogs also that in a democratic structure statements should come common not personal. the opinion of shahabuddin or jilani the advocate of autonomous body are personal. not the verdict of total community. i appreciate that political parties in majority leaving one or two clearly gave statement after meeting of their members, and the statements were uninamous of all party idealogy. this is the only way to convey a message and controversies and lacunas will never occur. any body is free to give it views and they cannot be taken for granted that they are admiisable to all. always writing that national matters should not be published by news papers or t.v. channels which they feel are of no importance. yesterday many channels stopped the telecast of few who were going out of topic. thanks to the controllers and producers of channels for this cooperation. title of the news selected should not be of double meaning and should be easy and clear to common. all do not understand law or terminology which sometimes less edicated even not understand.
the other method of creating love and harmony is appreciation of those who have given sensitive statement. nation and national benifits are above ambitions to be famous, politics,and sometimes religion. we all are esteemely grateful, thankful,the fonders and makers of constitution of INDIAwho framed a beautiful constitution .it was their efforts and knowledge that they made it in the way that nothing may be a hindrance in the development of india. in first ten years the development was as the vision of great freedom fighters. but slowly some opportunists entered in all paties, and diverted the parties from thieir ideologes for their personal ambitions,persnal interests etc. and when m
few took advantage in increasing their wealth and their families many other started copying for getting same status or wealth. leg pulling started, many new parties originated. the society divided in many. the parties started to fight for their survival and existance. people divided in many idealogies,the vote was divided and weak governments were formed. low %of representation got opportunity to rule though it was not a representation of very less percentage of citizens. people lost interest in elections. reelections occured, many minority governments got an opportunity to rule. when the parties lost the majority or number they took help of new methods which you all know. that were also temporary and the deserving parties startted getting less numbers. the concept of coalition governments came and development of the country faced a halt. because of many parties and different views and idealogies country could not get concrete planning and projects,due to less attention of govt the opportunists took advantage and prices hiked,the growth was not as expected,the antisocials and corruption entered in govtdpartments due to no stabilty. .in the end the few earned but mass could not rise from poverty,crime and corruption. so we shuld make a good atart and look forward for a proressed nations as many leaders of ruling and oposition of different states gave yesterday . yes all are with those leaders may be they are of any party we hope for industrilisation and development like gujrat and other southern states who have less involvement in unrequired controversies and are toward development. backward are few sttes who thought less of development except for their concerns. hope that all indians and nationalists of any caste,creed or religion will unitedly work for advancement,removal of poverty,reduce corruption.will help the government to fight agaist antisocials,corrupt,terrorists,money makers by unfair means and give education to their children. work for hygiene,health,and good living . this will make our country more beautiful and those who are oppotunists will themselves neutralised and a glorious history will be written of india. we will again get the importance as it was in the time of nalanda university. in the time of samrat ashok,akbar and the vision of our grat leaders known or unknown wil be completed and seen. that will be a ramraya, that means peace,prosperity,fame and a clean and beautiful nation, INDIA,definitely it can be true if we all unite together to work for its development. healthy,prosperous,and peace itself make man sensible becuse he is free of tension
najeeb khan
kamla nagar agra
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