generally when i interact many people ,few ask a question how you give or write on matters not of your part of profession. my reply is all i learn from the incidences i read in news paper,hear from people during my way to somewhere,in court,on shops,and i hear the problems of my friends,neighbours,and relatives. i generally go in deep with the effcted person,go along with my nears to know the exact position to advocates,police station,concerned offices. there only when i see the problems faced ,i study the lacunas and mistakes of which the concerned is taking advantage,i study the solutions by which the work can be done. but sometimes i fail due to to some technical errors and requirements. yhough the professinal dalals indulged know the alternative documentation,due to direct approach and no support by senior officers,the work remains pending. sometimes due tounawareness the mistakes are done and people involved in corruption get chance to earn. e,g., my neighbour use to live in city,two brothers migrated to kamla nagar,the third brother at the time of renewal not knew that on surredering old ration card the person migrated will need a surrender certificate. their is no record of old one,now because a new ration card is to be made in kamla nagar, though the applicant have pan card,driving licence,telephone no. house tax,water tax,with present address the department is asking to bring old ration surrender certificate then only new card on present address can be issued. it was some duty of the concerned who cancelled the old to guide that take surreder of those who have migrated to other place.these are the ways lacunasare occured due to no awareness. the case is pending and the deptt. is only after surreder,its a old case and the needy is running to different offices.
every where there is no system one one my known got some old papers,in which he found his father had paid 3 to four premiums and after wards he died. if the papers must have lost the money must have lied pendind .their is a provision if premium is paid more then a fixed times the money is returned with interests.crores of rupees is lying in such way if any recovery is there the person is even searched fom graveyard. but why not also to people whose depositors have died and the heirs do not know and the money is with insurance companies,baks,etc. so their should be some action by the govt to search such and if the time bar ends such funds should go to government account with the provision that if ever somebody claims the money will be paid. first letters by postal deptt.shold be sent to concerned and on retun the further process should be followed. by the provision that if you will not run the policy for certain period the policy holder money will be lapsed,many private chitfunds insurance company earned crores. many cold not understand the agent or advertisement in which rules and regulations are generally in english,or bluffed one. many times i could understand viewing many times. yhe agents and development officers get good commissiuon on first installment and are interested in it,and the inocents are bluffed or misguided. many i saw in such private companies that they will not have to pay after running for three years and they even lost the initial amount. so govt should pass a law that if even one installment is given the amont initially dposited should be returned,because due to circumstances thogh the individual had taken risk cover for one year or saving in income tax, but by time of maturity the service providing company must have earned good interest profit and also the vale is depriciated an exytra benifit. many of indians do not take i.t. benifit ,and sometime t yhey even not claim on death and their heirs oeven not know the vale of such documents. a campaign fairy is needed to retun the money of such. this shuld not go to the profit of the companies,because in past their was only govt undertaking and now is private sector also so new law is needed to control .
generally i am in favour of private sector in production but i always wrote to govt the profit givig works like banks,postal services,insurance must not have been given in the hands of private,it is seen that privat t.p.a. are not entertaining well in cashless ,the problem i personally faced.when i went to a network hospital in delhi. the biggest examle is of b.s.n.l., when we had such a strong network of telephoe the private was given licences and the b.s.n.l.,which was connecting every village started giving losses.the private captured the urban taking the advantage of pre planned consipiracy of at once rising the rates of b.s.n.l., and people left such an old service and turned to private,such hitirical errors by the government had also harmed indian postal services. in remote areas the service proversof private sector has not devloped their network due to loss. they send their parcels to such remote areas by indan postal conferencing even the telehone landline companies connect people to villages and other remote and tribal areas. since british time people funds wre spent in developing this network and others are enjoying the facility. this is a planning mistake done by planners and well known economists of india. i apposed during those days it was to be implemented,and i said if such sectors we will give to private from where we will get staff for elections,verifications,etc. the population will increase and govt employees will reduce. the britishers the founders of such services kept such services in their hands for many purpses,one of which was that govt official was answerable,questionable,and perment and controllable. due to securty point of view and tactics,and transparency it was important to keep communication ,postal,and railways etc in own hands so that some misuse may not be taken .non govt employee is not screened during appointment as govt. employee. private sector even have foreign employees and many companies are not of indian origin and have many internatinal such departments which have importance to tactics and related with such services i generally mention sholuld be kept in any how control of govt employees may be on deputation to keep an eye as it is a matter of safety and security.simplt t.r.i.,can not solve this ,and can can control phsically.
i know the lacunas and greedy ness of non govt organisation how they were finding methods to earn more and pay less taxes,custom duty etc. and how the foreign companies were helping in such acts, nothing should happen at the cost of revenue of govt,if this continues how country will develop.the country need planning by experts not by such whoi even not know abcd of technology,agriculture,engineering,etc. leave this task to expertrts and you just sign like queen of england. india have many big brins in every field retired or in service. due to personal ambitions and interest interference of political may lead to a terrible economical failure. the indians should not forget the history that east india company entered in india for trading and business,and ultimately they weakened the economy by bringing foreign material to india,and now china products and other imports creating problem for home industry.attention to be given like foam finished indian leather shoe for indians,and leather shoe going on less export price to abroad and wearing rexine diseases creating shoes,.indians ins eating poor quality rice and other low quality material,at the cost of bnifits to few and a litle foreign revenue. our country have a vast population and if we depend on home industry we can produce any competive to developed countries.
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