Saturday, October 2, 2010

historical facts and fact findings

in last many months my interest in writing was on the matters of crime, corruption,and even on present politics. actually these topics were raised only due to its extreme. many of my reders who know me said why you have diverted from your interest. i said let me aware people for awareness and corruption. i never think of writing on non educational topic . because i have given my site address to mainly the students. very few others view them. students use my many articles for their subjects. they even clear their queries. this reduces their work load. though few share my views on facebook but they are limited. i do not want any publicity ,only a reference for students that may help in research,higher studies,and to clear their concept. i am trying my best to give an idea to my daughter a jounalist and others how to write that it may not effect the feeling of any a society,party,or a person. a fair journalism is to express in short you understand,find,feel,and observe, nothing on news or on air which can create controversies. people may understand their role and responsibility for their nation. more attention of mass on development and development. due to lack of awareness and education people do not know the facts and they use the wrong terminology with the facts. they give reference of such persons who were never related with the controversy or conflict. due to such people comments many times the parties never come to any conclusion. they make it connected with religion and that causes hatred and isolation. on the occassion of programmes related to high court decision one from mumbai on t.v. live commented on a pakistan founder to relate him with advocate of sunni wakf board. he ehen started something on religion sermon but seeing the situation the channel atonce cut the view of that person. these are the people who divert the mind of opportunist who want to create disturbance. opportunists have to do nothing of or for country they only want to take advantage of such occassions. there personal interests are involved. but the new generation is now very sensitive and understanding and is more looking for carreer and development. really it is is a good sign. if this way the people,security,and the governments continue and be careful and vigil in handling the situations, and keep an open eye on all antisocials. we will be able to achieve the target of a developed nation, which was possible much earlier but less attention towards education. reterded it. .
so if you summarise my blogs you can gat a fair idea of many reasons due to which we could not develop earlier.still many in india do not know when the pakistan originated, when and how bangla desh made. etc. we also need adult education to clear the facts so that a proper candidature may reach to parliment and state and people may elect a deserving,educated,and a real social worker who work ninety percent for country and ten percent for his family and friends that is natural and not be prevented. now it is not possible to find leaders who can only work for others.becuse in this materilistic world it is a matter to survive. all have to take care of their next and cannot be prevented. this phenomina is natural and cannot be denied. . now development can be done by practical approch, this the people have to decide to choose the right.
many of the people do not understand the rea;ity and facts due to blind faith,misguidance,illiteracy,and even due to poverty. it is fact that those only choose the wrong path who are not fearing of law,down trodden,mentally corrupt,sick due to no care, and not educated. an educater person is always concerned of his image,self respect,and honour. there are many antisocials who utilise their young children to fulfil their requirements,this is the reson more crime and criminals in backward areas, slums,and among illiterate people. they only give shelter to antisocials. they are only not cooperating the society ,administration. due to money they are always with antisocials. they have ambitions they know or taugt can be fulfilled without effots and labour. the antisocial take advantage. this is proved that terrorism also stated from smugglers who when saw that now there is no profit in goods,they diverted themselves towards drugs and arms=ammunition a profitable business. first they make addict to young of drugs and wealth and misuse them for illegal activities. the founders of terrorist groups used this in aFGHANISTAN AND PAKISTAN,AND EVEN IN KASHMIR AND N OTHER STATES ON CHINA BORDER AND TOOK ADVANTAGE OF IT. ALL IS DUE TO LACK OF EDUCATION AND BACKWADNESS DUE TO NO DEVELOPMENT OF INFRASTRUSTURE TO GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO IDEALS. empty mind is a house of devil,,,,,,SO IN CONTINUATION. AND MUCH MORE AFTER MY TREATMENT OF BOTH EYES I WILL HIGHLIGHT MORE ON HISTORICAL FACTS.

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