afterthe child is nearly of four years he is now going for nursery and primary. all do not come from educated background, they know about many things which they hear in family. the views and concepts of them are wrong and very far from facts. sometimes the family atmoshphere due to their elders wrong education give wrong answers to many curisoty questions or queries in wrong way. this is the fault of their predecessors who gave them wrong information as they got from their society or by their frieds who due to political y motivated or any other reason diverted them from the facts.
i have seen many religios leaders also that they were politicaly motivated by some party and they not ellaborated the real fact and instead of replying the fact polluted the mind of one for hatredto other. therefore i have always said that clergics, pujaris,swamis, spritual leaders, imams,maulvis, other heads should choose either religious responsibilities or political career. to take benefitmany such organisations who are totally to work for their religion have also connection with political parties. this is their dual face . organisations if have a name of any religion like muslim,hindu,christian,sikh,or any other cannot be political party for mass. they are dividing the society. i strongly condemn those organisation who have used islam,islamic,muslim,etc with themselves in their self formed organisations is only to defame the religion. their constitutionn,aim,objectives,activities,ewtc if not published and made transparent they are not authorised to use the holy name of religion islam. all concerned govt of all countries should take necessary action. and to see that they or their organisation is competent enough to form such and have given their constitution copy to their govt and are registered. the word jihad, talaq, kafir,munafic,and many other such words explanations had wasted my lot of time. people ask such questions which teachers of madarsas if must have taught genuinely what exactly they mean where they apply.what is satvik food. why non veg allowed in muslim. qurbani, etc. if the teachers must have taught correct history, correct explanation of religion. comparison of all religion ,the misunderstanding and misconcepts regarding other religions must not have occured . many even not know that urdu originated in india, pakistan was formed from the part of india, what are khatnas, but a language generally used by miscreants for teasing a community. other words withot knowing their exact meaning are misunderstood. i was surprised that a senior retired teacher who was in teaching carreer did not knew the meaning of kafir a arabic word not translated in urdu. in urdu many words were used of original persian ,arabic, sanskrit,and otherlanguage. so proper education by competent teachers with no favour or grudge, fair and fact teaching ,real moral values, no hate speeches for other religions, and even any political speeches ,etc should not be allowed on school working days . true teaching gives the right knowledge and the child will undersstand the reality on maturity and will not be diverted in wrong direction and study ,and have own views. his idealogy will be of his own not miinterpreted or misguided by some oppotunists who are in all religions,caste,creed, and society. so teachers have to do lot they may keep their political activities,religious activities for personally application outside school campus. and need attention only for general knowledge,moral teaching,activities,and to the prescribed sylabbus. this will improve the country in mass . politics shows it importance only for formation of govts, but the the formation of future generation is the most pious and national impottance need. of their religious fame and faith of people is wrong.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
media role
the role of media is very important in india. still people form their views, retaliation,and conclusions by the news of media. as i also wrote earlier that something should be restrained and edited by the publishers before telecast. live telecasts without editing can create confusions. recalled on the day of decision of babri masjid ramjanambhumi case the advocates gave their views and till then the copy was also not received. even the court had directed not to translate in or explain the decision till the order is in hand. but few in which was a lady laWYER ALSO TO COME BEFORE CAMERA WAS SHOUTING .OTHERS WAS SHOUTING . BUT THE ACTUAL SITUATION CLEARED TO COMMON WHEN SOME SENIOR ADVOCATES CLEARED THE DECISION. I SAW PEOPLE IN AGRA THAT THEY WERE WERE RETALIATING DIFFERENT. EASY LANGUAGE IS UNDERSTOOD ONLY BY COMMON. THE POSITION CLEARED AFTER FEW MINUTES WHEN THE ANCHORS AT STUDIO CLEARED THE DECISION. .PEOPLE DO NOT UNDERSTAND MANY SYSTEMS, I SAW WHEN DECISION WAS TO COME BY SUPREME COURT IN THIS MATTER SOME OPPORTUNISTS WERE CREATING HAVOC THAT TODAY SOMETHING IS TO HAPPEN AND EVEN MANY ESTABLISHMENTS CLOSED THAT DAY. THOUGH IT WAS DWCISION ON ONLY DECISION OF TRIPATHI APPLICATION TO postpone for some time. after wards programmes on many channels, live comments and those called on panel instead of thanking people for their wise cooperation were talking of jinnah to jilani. there was of no concern of this matter the man on panel started on religion but the procer behind cut it immediately. such people are opportunists and only want to communalise the issues. the statement of jilani advocate of wakf board was not a heading for news it was a lawyer comment paid for it. what imam did with chisti need no repeted telecast, becuse such who people forget to come on platform and gain favour of some illiterates do such illegal and unlawful acts. in democcracy any question can be asked iwith due regards and protocol and nobody is to take personally. if you are on press you are replying on behalf of your organisation if you have any and by law it should be registered and accepted by members to comment as a spokesperson. personal views can be edited and of no importance and cannot be taken as granted the view of whole religion or community. imam saHIB IS SHAHI IMAM OF JAMA MASJID AND HE MUST BE HAVING A FARMAN OF THEN MUGHAL RULER THAT HIS FAMILY WILL CONTINUE OR HIS SUCCESSORS AS IMAM . I AFTER SOMETIME INTERVIEW HIM AND WILL LIKE TO BRING IN PUBLIC THE THEN ORDER OF MOGHUL EMPEROR FOR MY ARCHIVES AND RECORDS OF NATIONAL MUSEUMS. I AM ALSO TO GET SUCH PHOTOPRINTS FROM OTHER SAJJADANASHINS AND MUTTAWALIS FOR RECORDS. . SEEING SUCH CONTRVERSIES AGAIN ALL SUCH RECORDS NEEDED TO BE VERIFIED AND IF NO RECORDS SOME ALTERNATIVE MEASURE ARE TO BE TAKEN. maula kalam azad during his tenure listed and recorded such records and evidences, registeries,farmans etc and wakf board was formed and administrators and chatertered accountants wre appointed. district magistrates were also attached to the commitees of such wakf properties. but due to no attention of wakf ministries and cooruption the income and property of such were encroached and the care takers are enjoying the funds.
such who are appointed for the job by community should take care of their responsibilities. and to work for the people of their religion. religious people should choose either politics or religious teachings and reforms. hope such will care in welfare of communty. the nationalists citizens of india. those who cannot follow the constitution have alternatives. world is very big to live . almighty god is everywhere .
such who are appointed for the job by community should take care of their responsibilities. and to work for the people of their religion. religious people should choose either politics or religious teachings and reforms. hope such will care in welfare of communty. the nationalists citizens of india. those who cannot follow the constitution have alternatives. world is very big to live . almighty god is everywhere .
the role of media these days
is there any control on such people
though i am uhder treatment, of eyes but such incidents not which occur not let me stop to comment. what all happened in lycknow press conference i condemn and this behavior of such peoples should be stopped. why this happens in india tgat is all due no strict law, and delay in court. such should be boycotted by all media people. the publicity also they have got by unnecessary coverage by media in past. too much of coverage by media made many so called leaders. maulana imam bokhari is not a elected representative of muslims in india. neglect in news itself finish their identity. many swamis,leaders,others became political figures in indian politics due to media over coverage. this is the reason i was against live coverage, this sometimes is done by forgotten person in such places to come in hot news. pls see my many blogs in which i have suggested control on broadcast by senior jiurnalists,editors,and to cut the part which gives some hot news. sometimes such people can be problem for law and order. for this all journalists will have to unite and cooperate. otherwise a day will come that to cover news they will have to go with helmets etc. .to face mob it isimportant that now they may be very careful in situations. i have sympathies with chisti.... and nobody can take a question personally. in my previous blogs still there is no majority muslim leader to represent muslims. many leaders who claim such may please verify the number of supporters they have. . we the muslims can consider only one leader who by majority is selected as the leader of the community. . how can a person give statement on behalf of muslims without thir authorisation or approval. .india have a vast population of muslims and all are having different views. (I MEAN THE HEADS OF SELF STYLED ORGANIZATIONS).the group of political elected representatives of all parties,muslim leaders, heads of many spritual organisations, supremos of other societies, and many heads of islamic institutions ,sajjada nashins of all dargahs, retd govt administrative officers, retd senior advocates, judges, and other senior position aristocrats,technocrats and recognised retd leaders,and other known personalities to be brought together and a non political platform to settle matters relaTED TO RELIGION TO BE BROGHT BEFORE THEM AND AFTER VOTING OF ALL THE MAJORITY DECISION TO BE ACCEPTABLE TO ALL IN DEMOCRATIC METHOD. AND SHOULD BE ADMITTED TO ALL. IF ANY OPPORTUNIST DO NOT ACCEPT OR ABIDE HE CAN BE PUNISHED AS PER NATIONS LAW. THOSE AND THEIR SUPPORTERS SHOULD BE SPARED . THEY IF NOT COOPERATE THEY ARE LIBLE TO BE PUNISHED,..... MY OPINION IS THAT MAJORITY DECION IS APPLICABLE ON ALL IN A DEMOCRATIC PROCESS....IT IS NECESSARY THAT BEFORE GIVING ANY STATEMENT THEY SHOLD GO THROUGH THE FACTS. THE EXPERTS OF LAW HAVE EVEN NOT GIVEN CONCLUSION ON 10000 PAGES DECISION COMPLETELY YET. A 60 YERS OLD CASE IS NOT VERY EASY TO STUDY. IMAM SAHIB MAY KEEP PATINCE AND LET THE HISTORIANS, EXPERTS,LAWYERS DEEPLY STUDY IT . WE HAVE THE ALTERNATE OF SUPREME COURT FOR REVIEW. AND RESPECTED IMAM SAHIB MAY GIVE ATTENTION OF SHAHI JAMA MASJID WHICH NEEDS MORE ATTENTION. RELIGIOUS PEOPLE SHOULD BE AWAY FROM COMMENTING, THERE ATTENTION IS BETTER TO IMPROVE THE OTHER PROBLEMS OF MUSLIM COMMUNITY THAT IS POVERTY,EDUCATION,HYGIENE AND EMPLOYMENT. THESE MATTERS WILL BE RESOLVED EITHER BY COURT OR MAJORITY CENSUS. WE NEED PEACE AND PROSPERITY AND WANT TO COME UP LIKE OTHER COMMUNITIES. ALWAYS THE ATTENTION IN those areas which give little benifit has prevented the muslims of india backward in comparison to other counties. .....any statement on any issue should be given by a spokesperson with duly approval of all parties. different personal views make controversies and unnecessary conflicts and opportunity to others to comment. WHY TO GIVE CHANCE TO THOSE OPPORTUNISTS WHO WAND TO STOP THE PROGRESS OF COUNTRY WILL ALL RELIGIONS CITIZENS WILL ENJOY. there is no problem which cannot be resolved in this democratic world but the opportunists should be boycotted by media their identity will itself end. till when few can create nuisance, majority decision will be binding....
najeeb khan
najeeb khan
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
historical facts conyd.
with reverence to my previos views tne fact is that the historical findings are re,iable and can be proved. their are no methods to test that the excavated products are planted or filledfrom elshewhere for bringing the plinth in low lying areas. so coming to a conclusion by a single person can be a contoversy. because the decision in any case will stand in other cort of lawonly on the base of evidences and facts which are only proved by old records. or the very latest x=ray technology by geological survey by layer analysis technique. the layer with old foundation can prove the age of building not simple excavation. having chances of difference of opinion.
so the fact findings from old literature is the most accepted evidence. history was written in all times, one to praise the ruler by paid historian and the other by free lancer for future records. these old facts i ellborate from my study old records ,books,etc. many informations are in old news papers. if such have been compiled by then publishers and editors, much have been on easy available records. . old news papers available from british period or if some before till now be compiled in sections for different informations can form volumes for research and facts. coming generations can read and evaluate. if my vision recovers then i will work on this liyyle, not all possible in my life. the others will have to follow and all history departments in india will have to wirk. history is a lesson and teaching for future. many of the historical confusions i have cleared of even educated regarding as of babur that he was the first the invader to come to attack india, the origin of pakistan from india part then how all muslims who are living in india will become pakistani. what is khatna, why used as abuse for muslims why not for jews and many other religion followers in world who adopt khatna due to its medical benifit, it is simply the removal of excess skin which prevents cleaning. .the opportunists have always misguided the society so that they may be divided and the source of their income may flourish. these are omnipresent like devil in all religion. .....but the reformers always accepted the good values and systems of past religions and they highlighted its importance. all religions idealogy is to imrove society in own ways, and bannes few things which were more in practice and harming the society and corruption was there due to that. interest taking had deepned in the roots and people were facing terrible problems so taking interest was banned in ISLAM> in indian subcontinent also many religions as per my knowledge origiated and oldest vaishnav sith sopporting books holy vedas. then the and sprede in vast areas is buddhism which later on samrat ashoka the great also accepted after the war of kalingha. then ater judaism in arab and egypt, christianity spreaded all over the world, origin of islam in mecca some 1500 years ago. jain ism ,arya samaj,and also sikhism in punjabof undivided india. and people converted by their faith and priorities they preferred. the biggest loved are the bal lilas of lord krishna which the mass remembers and are still celebrated. devotion to lord krishna and his miracles in chilhood are amazing. the end of kansa is lesson to the evils. and wrong . they are not spared. kansa of doing one mistake lived in uncertainity throughout his life like those at present also induldged in arong live with. . war agaist kaurava and the preachings by lord krishna are teachings for mass. friedship with suama is an example to learn. these are the historical facts. the lesson and teaching of his mother made chatrapati shivaji a big warrior. and not ever highlighted nicely that technical part of army of his army was muslims called pathans whose successors still reside in m.p. and maharastra and nearby. this in of support of my articles that religion was neaver a barrier in india before british. armies fougt against armies and constituted of proffessinals of all casts,creed or religion. they were faithful to the king they were under and followed their religios responsibilities they had to abide. fo
for a month my blogs will not be on sites due to planning of cataract operation.
najeeb khan
agra, india.
so the fact findings from old literature is the most accepted evidence. history was written in all times, one to praise the ruler by paid historian and the other by free lancer for future records. these old facts i ellborate from my study old records ,books,etc. many informations are in old news papers. if such have been compiled by then publishers and editors, much have been on easy available records. . old news papers available from british period or if some before till now be compiled in sections for different informations can form volumes for research and facts. coming generations can read and evaluate. if my vision recovers then i will work on this liyyle, not all possible in my life. the others will have to follow and all history departments in india will have to wirk. history is a lesson and teaching for future. many of the historical confusions i have cleared of even educated regarding as of babur that he was the first the invader to come to attack india, the origin of pakistan from india part then how all muslims who are living in india will become pakistani. what is khatna, why used as abuse for muslims why not for jews and many other religion followers in world who adopt khatna due to its medical benifit, it is simply the removal of excess skin which prevents cleaning. .the opportunists have always misguided the society so that they may be divided and the source of their income may flourish. these are omnipresent like devil in all religion. .....but the reformers always accepted the good values and systems of past religions and they highlighted its importance. all religions idealogy is to imrove society in own ways, and bannes few things which were more in practice and harming the society and corruption was there due to that. interest taking had deepned in the roots and people were facing terrible problems so taking interest was banned in ISLAM> in indian subcontinent also many religions as per my knowledge origiated and oldest vaishnav sith sopporting books holy vedas. then the and sprede in vast areas is buddhism which later on samrat ashoka the great also accepted after the war of kalingha. then ater judaism in arab and egypt, christianity spreaded all over the world, origin of islam in mecca some 1500 years ago. jain ism ,arya samaj,and also sikhism in punjabof undivided india. and people converted by their faith and priorities they preferred. the biggest loved are the bal lilas of lord krishna which the mass remembers and are still celebrated. devotion to lord krishna and his miracles in chilhood are amazing. the end of kansa is lesson to the evils. and wrong . they are not spared. kansa of doing one mistake lived in uncertainity throughout his life like those at present also induldged in arong live with. . war agaist kaurava and the preachings by lord krishna are teachings for mass. friedship with suama is an example to learn. these are the historical facts. the lesson and teaching of his mother made chatrapati shivaji a big warrior. and not ever highlighted nicely that technical part of army of his army was muslims called pathans whose successors still reside in m.p. and maharastra and nearby. this in of support of my articles that religion was neaver a barrier in india before british. armies fougt against armies and constituted of proffessinals of all casts,creed or religion. they were faithful to the king they were under and followed their religios responsibilities they had to abide. fo
for a month my blogs will not be on sites due to planning of cataract operation.
najeeb khan
agra, india.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
historical findings contd.
my aim to give reference to students,research scholars,and to let people know the facts are the topic of mine in my writings,blogs,columns etc. though in between i divert in reference sometimes to present controversies,opportunism and others. but it is all to show the facts. people understand the present problems easily. due to vision problem my writing work in technology,history,crime,social requirements is at halt but soon on recovery i will do more studies to tell you the facts,precautions,and awareness, so that you may be in less problems i faced. history can educate you the mistakes occured in past.and many controversies had been prevented if they must have understood oppotunits. due to politics in every field many deserved do not get oppotunity and recognition in their field. something is preventing such. so again coming on topic in olden ages preaching,stories,dramas were the main source of passing messages to generations. few records could not be preserved and this created a gap in development,but people remembered the great personalities, like shri ram, shri krishna in indian continent and many others great prophets in other civilised settlement. people from nearby tribal areas use to come for business, even education though in our india gurukul was preferred .
in olden times preching was done to teach people, and the different followers were spreding their religion and use to tell the priorities, and even compared with the others. it was peoples choice to follow. by force you can not change the faith from inside. the biggest example i can give of indian muslims which many can criticise . indian muslims also of pakistan and bangla desh due to old culture are not resembling at many systems as the muslims of middle east,malasia,indonesia,bengal punjab,sind, or many other advanced countries like turkey,etc. their customs differ . in india their are even different masjids and the namaz is of little difference. i was surprised to see at kanpur that in jajmau one masjid was washed becuse another of different view had offered namaz there . this is not to create controversies. this change occured in subcontinent few decades back. in agra in one masjid founded by my predecessors few boycotted tarabi a special namaz in ramzan due to controversy of imam. this is only to weaken the religion by opportunists. and the effect or copy of others. few such incidents have happened in india on other worship places. islam spreaded only due to equality and unity. people are not understanding it and the illiterates are following such elements. the reson behind no settlement of many controversies is too many firqas developing in indian subcontinent. we know that all muslims from all over the world go to holy MECCA and offer namaz in same manner. the muslims of indonesia even now give their children the traditional names. . many problems arised even in the life time of prophet and khalifas, but they resolved all and people agreed to it though few were in apposition but not effected they were neglected and in the end they came on true path.
ISLAMin his contitution has given methods how people can live prosperous,healthy and peaceful life. allowances were given for exceptions seeing their need or necessaty. it does not mean it is applicable to such who not need it. many friends of mine have doubts, isay you can live or not like non veg it is not a comulsion. it is not a licence that you eat flesh whether you like or reqire. allowance and no strictness is to save the lives in deserts,and such places where their is no green. if you go to such place like antartica you need fish to survive. such things were banned without which human can survive. do not take it granted that to follow the law is applicable in all circumstaces. yes their are many things which are binding for muslims like NAMAZ,ROZA,HAJ,JAKAT,and over all IMAN.. the constitution is as framed that you can live without difficulties and peace. law rules for every part of life.
so all religions adopted or directed the methods keeping in view the benifit and good living of human being. .
i will correct the mistake occured due to vision and more in next.
najeeb khan
in olden times preching was done to teach people, and the different followers were spreding their religion and use to tell the priorities, and even compared with the others. it was peoples choice to follow. by force you can not change the faith from inside. the biggest example i can give of indian muslims which many can criticise . indian muslims also of pakistan and bangla desh due to old culture are not resembling at many systems as the muslims of middle east,malasia,indonesia,bengal punjab,sind, or many other advanced countries like turkey,etc. their customs differ . in india their are even different masjids and the namaz is of little difference. i was surprised to see at kanpur that in jajmau one masjid was washed becuse another of different view had offered namaz there . this is not to create controversies. this change occured in subcontinent few decades back. in agra in one masjid founded by my predecessors few boycotted tarabi a special namaz in ramzan due to controversy of imam. this is only to weaken the religion by opportunists. and the effect or copy of others. few such incidents have happened in india on other worship places. islam spreaded only due to equality and unity. people are not understanding it and the illiterates are following such elements. the reson behind no settlement of many controversies is too many firqas developing in indian subcontinent. we know that all muslims from all over the world go to holy MECCA and offer namaz in same manner. the muslims of indonesia even now give their children the traditional names. . many problems arised even in the life time of prophet and khalifas, but they resolved all and people agreed to it though few were in apposition but not effected they were neglected and in the end they came on true path.
ISLAMin his contitution has given methods how people can live prosperous,healthy and peaceful life. allowances were given for exceptions seeing their need or necessaty. it does not mean it is applicable to such who not need it. many friends of mine have doubts, isay you can live or not like non veg it is not a comulsion. it is not a licence that you eat flesh whether you like or reqire. allowance and no strictness is to save the lives in deserts,and such places where their is no green. if you go to such place like antartica you need fish to survive. such things were banned without which human can survive. do not take it granted that to follow the law is applicable in all circumstaces. yes their are many things which are binding for muslims like NAMAZ,ROZA,HAJ,JAKAT,and over all IMAN.. the constitution is as framed that you can live without difficulties and peace. law rules for every part of life.
so all religions adopted or directed the methods keeping in view the benifit and good living of human being. .
i will correct the mistake occured due to vision and more in next.
najeeb khan
Monday, October 4, 2010
historical findings contd.
in my past blogs i wrote the historical recrds with comparison to latest technology. i made clear that the science was advanced in those days,but could not be preserved for future. i feel that the civilization at many places vanished at many places and nobody left to point the locations of sites,forts, palaces,temples,mosques,churches. now the explorers are finding out the real sites. this will definitely bring the information of then architecture and technology. excavations sometimes clear those days civilization as it was found in the excavation of mohanjadaro, harrappa, and many places elsewhere. many sites of the time of lord krihna are still to be excavated. lot of information is under debris of old sites and building which was later occupied in new construction. still near many sites which are remembered passig from generation to other. many sites of old forts was bulit on old sites due to its technical importance. example agra fort on a weak structure remains which cold not bear the attacks. . though on new constuction few signs of the time of construction was preserved by those days circulating coins or inscritions. it was not economical to remove old debris or remains. it was not economical. new buildind are tried to be made on high pltform for safety and sometimes beauty. sikandra was made near the site of palace of sher shah suri. the advantage is that nearby areas of such places are developed. rulers had less time for construction so they use to choose sites demolished or fallen and the places they got in possesion after capturing the area. and it was not a private property. those days rulers also not occupied personal properties without making payments or other land with compensation of the damage. during the times of construction a haveli of a hindu rajah in the ministry of shahjehan got compensation and land for the part of land he gave for taj. historically proved many such occassions. in british times many baghs or gardens were transferred to colleges and due to calamites and losses by nature many important places lost their existance and records. many facts and technologies finished, and we are away from facts. the only record is old manuscripts,literature,and memoirs remembered by generations. so for another old technology i will tell abot stone bridge which floated to attack ceylon or shrilanka. the stone used was pumic stone which is very light and floats, it was tied on edges by ropes from one end to another .a light bridge which cold not last due to damage of rope after some times in water. the pumic stone is whichnow used to clean at homes. very light and also strong seeto it
najeeb khan
najeeb khan
Sunday, October 3, 2010
historical events CONTD.
so i wae telling of the lifetime of prophets ,how they apposed the wrong with peace. they did their level best that the wrong may come on path. they had lot of followers even mighty kings but they prevented use of power. prophets of india sub continent also did the same. though ravana misguided by his sister supankha did a blunder mistake if he must have apologised definitely he should have been out of conflict. that time also the values and law was followd. shri ram chandra, famous for his ram rajya. his dynasty was in ayodhya the eldest son of raja dashratha due to his prophecy and good works was remembered for thousand of years and later on compiled in holy ramayana by many writers. everybody wrote about beautiful ayodhya and his empire .in my view his empire must have been very vast. the writings give reference of many rivers and sites like chitrakoot and others and even some places in haryana ythen punjab. those days population was very less. states and cities had very big boundaries. rulers had control over big land thir was order and law . chiefs and area rulers were very faithful . they always followed the orders ,and stood at them even at the cost of their life/ nobody deceived anybody as it was seen later on when human had more resources,good earnings and vast popilation. this is the reason ramrajya like kingdoms could not be in indian subcontinent and the invaders in or after a.d. 200 indian sub continent could not have strong empires. slowly the people were awayfrom their moral values and responsibilities and weakened. i want to mention that in the period of rule of shri ram moral responsibilities were there . so due to no response of compromise or apologisation ravana had to face war and death. he had latest technology weapons. there were huge palaces, with vast gardens as mentioned in hoy books. same was in ayodhya a big palace. may be the whole ayodhya, even the later kings had such big forts and palaces raja dashrathas palace was glorious as its seems from the old books and literature. if excavation is done their are even possibilities of finding out remains of those arms and ammunitions and even fossils of those days way of life. their is a record that shri ram came back to ayodhya by pushpak viman. this is i co relate with old and present when aeroplane was discovered those days. the satellites were there. maharishi narad use to visit them how he use to go there was he not using the rocket technique then. the use of missiles by ravana . shows that present latest technology was available those days but could not be preserved by the successors . may be this have happened due to losses by natural calamities. or it was with limited people who not survived. many such are not proved due to no evidences, ahat all we see is the debris of old cities developed again and again .old ownners not survived people succeeded not knew the importance of those sites and places they even sold for their personal interest and many who knew those excavations told to next generations and people remembered the sites and lkater on became controversies and matters to be proved. it is very hard to prove accurately the correct after thosand of years. no method to prove the reality only ideas and help the technology . so what i always compare that due to no proper preservation or due to calamities we have lost the valuable technology, knowledge,literature. may be in days to come we may find such treasures which our predessors must have preserved for coming generations like pyramids of egypt, and many caves in the world . the inscriptions on the stones and paintings give us the message of many things but we cannot understand that writing,language,signs,etc which can tell us the incidents occured or faced by vanished civilizations and their causes which they must have definitely noted. life on other planets is also mystery , it is said that many left for other satllites or planets when they saw that the earth was in or near to vanish. that only we know as pralaya,kiyamat or the end of planet or extinction or limited life again to develop in thousand of years. the fact the only controller of world knows. these days also the rich are booking land on other planets so that in days of hardship in futetere or ever they may reside in save plces. wise and genious know that the development they have done . at the cost of planet excess of use more then production is the reason of inbalance and if now also people of world do not care and are indulded in harming resources,creating pollution,over using the resources,the abuses will come come before them or next generation. we can be deprived of life or survival will be hard . what i refer of the past ,relate with present technology is people may understand the fact either fearing from god or due to loss which occur by wrong practices without realising the reality. come forward to understand and bring the reality to society.
najeeb khan
uttar pradesh
see my profile for other works.
najeeb khan
uttar pradesh
see my profile for other works.
historical facts CONTD.)
to relate old with new i will tell you many findings and inventions. when there was no inventions many who do not want to believe or fear from god use to not accept many events of the lifetime of prophets and use to deny their reality, one of the famous event is of a prophet who was talking to god on a mountain. one day he said that i want to see you there is a event conveyed through generations of what happened. one day god agreed to show a little of his power as soon as almighty showed a part of his image a heavy light came on the prophet and he fall down from the mountain, had no senses for hours, and when he reached his village people could not recognise him ,he was totally black. the mountain itself changed it structure,and composition and is till totally black. such events were told in bible and also referred in quran sharif. the all prophets of different times have written and accepted of past prophets and have always given respect and their teachings and their life time achievement. sacrifice in the name of god was practically performed by hazrat ibrahim and abraham as called in bible the holy book read by christians and referred by muslims as a holy book . generally the orthodox never highlight the relations and references because they want to keep society divided in sects. their is a personal interest of them because they do not want people to understand the reality. this can effect their earning .today also we see that all religious places are centres of earning . this was also in the time of prophet mohammad, those days lakhs from nearby or abroad use to come to mecca. their were so many idols that people were caugt for prayer or for darshan and put some money. the prophet understood the corruption. .when islam spread and accepted by mass, all were removed. whenever the place give some earning the greed and corruption enters. islam spread in very adverse conditions. . the big stone which is said thrown by god still exist in mecca with gold covering and only allowed to touch with finger. people when go to mecca not forget to see it and remembered sine ages. now in arabic the big stone generally used for identifying the purity of gold also found on other places in small size, the name mentioned in books is sange=aswat. .....their are many places,things,sites in the world of religious importance which people have remembered since long times. most civilised areas near egypt or river nile are sacred for many religions. many religions originated from there .if observed minutely all have the same concept or ideas. . khatna which is good to prevent diseases is adopted by jews and muslims. it was not of much importace to other religions. population near jerusalem has the privilege to see many prophets. many holy books. they were brought as those days neccesaties. amended like constitutions time to time. when people started taking advantage of the law it is further clarified. the reformers from time to time in their own ways constituted new books. so we see many religions. people seeing their liking adopted of their choice and even changed to new if they liked the new concept or teachings. that is why the way of living ,food, changed time to time when the reformers saw that non veg is hamful in this region and the community is addict to it. it can harm the existance . many things were banned though they adopted earlier. requirements made changes and allowances were kept for exception. so that everything may be done in law and order .no crime or corruption may enter in society which is cancer to to society if not controlled. their is no need of comparison of any religion or prophet. they have seen the present and such was needed then for reform or existance. example if middle east people were not allowed non veg to eat how they must have survived in desert. these are historical or fact findings which man can understand only by study and for it education.
najeeb khan
to be contd. next blog
najeeb khan
to be contd. next blog
facts findings and historical facts (CONTD.)
the second historical story, past i will write of old times . next to tell to my readers is about hazrat nooh about whom it has come in old testament,and quran sharif. regarding sharif many must not be knowing, it is respect to holy book or holy,sacred place,as ji in hindi ,sahib in gurumukhi,and shri before name,.there are many respected words in all languages like hazrat for prophets,and generally muslims star their name with mohammad. . generally all good works are started with shree ganesh ,bismillah,and others. the main idea is to start with good name. even when we go out we step out or should step for travel or work with the name of god you follow. GODis one in many names and the path is same. it is just like constitution different but the aim is only to keep the human disciplined,and binding by law and orders. disobediants are in society every where and they who are not following the law are called antisocials, in the religios books they are defined as followers of devil or shaitan.
the new topicis about nooh stil known and passed to generations for thousand of years. nooh is the prophet of very old times, those days also crime and disturbance had developed in society. it is written that when ever GOD observed that now reforms are needed in all times in all part of world great persons whom we call prohphets took avtar or birth . this is verified by all religious book available till date. these prohets tried their level best to bring the society on right path. in all times they first tried to improve by preaching, by personal examples to resolve conflicts, they even fought agaist such elements but then also no improvement . GOD even destroyed the world. only few who were right and good survived and again the life cycle of living being started, and was peaceful and without evil for thousand of years. such events in different times i will mention further. .
so this was also in the time of prophet nooh. . the prophet tried his level best to bring people on right path. prohphets in those days use to have conversation with GOD, this also many use to not agree that how possible, but few decades back when the sattelites,were invented, and through them, the wireless mobiles started that gave a strong support to the old mysteries,which many created doubts for facts,or possibilities. now every thing is proved that all is possible. it was possible for prophets to talk.see.and even go to near to god. really these facts have given support to the existance of devtas, prophets,and great reformers. it is possible that god can do any thing for controlling the world. he have the love for all creatures and reconstituted the ways of living in all agesseeing the requirements of the region or area. this is the reason the prophets of their times and area preached seeing the needs and requirements of the civilization of that part of world.
the story of prohphet nooh time is that on conversation with GOD he was informed and directed to make a big boat, he was told that civilization can vanish ,be redy for your safety. the earth will be destroyed by rise of water. ..noah or nooh started to make a big boat and people whose end was near and not had belief in god criticized him and some declared him even mad. they made his boat dity but such a skin disease occurred that the miscreant themselve cleaned it for curing the disease. this is god help his love ones. near the time of heavy rains he wuth his followers and with pairs of many animals who he feared to vanish along with him in boat. heavy rains,flood and high rise of water killed all the evil and the right were saved by god. in my view kike this only god must have directed to save in other parts of world. this way god manages the world to get rid of wrong,evil and crime. so believe in god and follow your religion. what so ever you follow and believe.
the new topicis about nooh stil known and passed to generations for thousand of years. nooh is the prophet of very old times, those days also crime and disturbance had developed in society. it is written that when ever GOD observed that now reforms are needed in all times in all part of world great persons whom we call prohphets took avtar or birth . this is verified by all religious book available till date. these prohets tried their level best to bring the society on right path. in all times they first tried to improve by preaching, by personal examples to resolve conflicts, they even fought agaist such elements but then also no improvement . GOD even destroyed the world. only few who were right and good survived and again the life cycle of living being started, and was peaceful and without evil for thousand of years. such events in different times i will mention further. .
so this was also in the time of prophet nooh. . the prophet tried his level best to bring people on right path. prohphets in those days use to have conversation with GOD, this also many use to not agree that how possible, but few decades back when the sattelites,were invented, and through them, the wireless mobiles started that gave a strong support to the old mysteries,which many created doubts for facts,or possibilities. now every thing is proved that all is possible. it was possible for prophets to talk.see.and even go to near to god. really these facts have given support to the existance of devtas, prophets,and great reformers. it is possible that god can do any thing for controlling the world. he have the love for all creatures and reconstituted the ways of living in all agesseeing the requirements of the region or area. this is the reason the prophets of their times and area preached seeing the needs and requirements of the civilization of that part of world.
the story of prohphet nooh time is that on conversation with GOD he was informed and directed to make a big boat, he was told that civilization can vanish ,be redy for your safety. the earth will be destroyed by rise of water. ..noah or nooh started to make a big boat and people whose end was near and not had belief in god criticized him and some declared him even mad. they made his boat dity but such a skin disease occurred that the miscreant themselve cleaned it for curing the disease. this is god help his love ones. near the time of heavy rains he wuth his followers and with pairs of many animals who he feared to vanish along with him in boat. heavy rains,flood and high rise of water killed all the evil and the right were saved by god. in my view kike this only god must have directed to save in other parts of world. this way god manages the world to get rid of wrong,evil and crime. so believe in god and follow your religion. what so ever you follow and believe.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
historical facts CONTD.)
in continuation of my previous blog i wold like to give a little knowledge fo reference to readers. their are many reasons of hitorical events which occured in india and abroad which can be a topic for research students to work on . they can be very important historical findings and facts. few i will write in next posts.
starting from the originof mankind in world. and still remembered by the civilization. .the messages passed on verbally to the next and when the technology developed, and the ways of writing developed. people recorded them and we are still aware of those facts. some of these facts are now proved by science and technology that they can be true, and are possible. no reply for critics. about latest cloning i will relate with religios mentioned in religios books that adam same in holy bible and holy quran that adam was thrown onearth from heaven due to mistake of not obeying GOD, he was not allowed to eat a specil food to eat. generally people claim it wheat. . when found that adam the first man on earth has disobeted the order he was thrown on earth. he fall somewhere near river nile near egypt. many other books also mention about adam .
the fact is that adam was thrown alone on earth. he wondered here and there and apologised for his mistake. he prayed to god that he needs some companion and he feel very lonely. almighty heared to him and angels came on earth they removed ohe rib of adam and by it a beautiful eve or havwa in arabic was originated and soon she grew adult and the pair gave birth to many children and the population increased. it is also said that those days age was long, people had rare diseases. slowlly population spreaded to distant places and furher . this way civilization spreaded all over the world.
this i am mentioning to relate with present that by cloning birth is possible. this was not acceptable to many that how eve got birth from the rib of adam. by present experimenta this has been prove. by cloning everything by latest techniques the scientist made it possible and the old histirical fact proved to be right. next another findings.....
najeeb khan
starting from the originof mankind in world. and still remembered by the civilization. .the messages passed on verbally to the next and when the technology developed, and the ways of writing developed. people recorded them and we are still aware of those facts. some of these facts are now proved by science and technology that they can be true, and are possible. no reply for critics. about latest cloning i will relate with religios mentioned in religios books that adam same in holy bible and holy quran that adam was thrown onearth from heaven due to mistake of not obeying GOD, he was not allowed to eat a specil food to eat. generally people claim it wheat. . when found that adam the first man on earth has disobeted the order he was thrown on earth. he fall somewhere near river nile near egypt. many other books also mention about adam .
the fact is that adam was thrown alone on earth. he wondered here and there and apologised for his mistake. he prayed to god that he needs some companion and he feel very lonely. almighty heared to him and angels came on earth they removed ohe rib of adam and by it a beautiful eve or havwa in arabic was originated and soon she grew adult and the pair gave birth to many children and the population increased. it is also said that those days age was long, people had rare diseases. slowlly population spreaded to distant places and furher . this way civilization spreaded all over the world.
this i am mentioning to relate with present that by cloning birth is possible. this was not acceptable to many that how eve got birth from the rib of adam. by present experimenta this has been prove. by cloning everything by latest techniques the scientist made it possible and the old histirical fact proved to be right. next another findings.....
najeeb khan
historical facts and fact findings
in last many months my interest in writing was on the matters of crime, corruption,and even on present politics. actually these topics were raised only due to its extreme. many of my reders who know me said why you have diverted from your interest. i said let me aware people for awareness and corruption. i never think of writing on non educational topic . because i have given my site address to mainly the students. very few others view them. students use my many articles for their subjects. they even clear their queries. this reduces their work load. though few share my views on facebook but they are limited. i do not want any publicity ,only a reference for students that may help in research,higher studies,and to clear their concept. i am trying my best to give an idea to my daughter a jounalist and others how to write that it may not effect the feeling of any a society,party,or a person. a fair journalism is to express in short you understand,find,feel,and observe, nothing on news or on air which can create controversies. people may understand their role and responsibility for their nation. more attention of mass on development and development. due to lack of awareness and education people do not know the facts and they use the wrong terminology with the facts. they give reference of such persons who were never related with the controversy or conflict. due to such people comments many times the parties never come to any conclusion. they make it connected with religion and that causes hatred and isolation. on the occassion of programmes related to high court decision one from mumbai on t.v. live commented on a pakistan founder to relate him with advocate of sunni wakf board. he ehen started something on religion sermon but seeing the situation the channel atonce cut the view of that person. these are the people who divert the mind of opportunist who want to create disturbance. opportunists have to do nothing of or for country they only want to take advantage of such occassions. there personal interests are involved. but the new generation is now very sensitive and understanding and is more looking for carreer and development. really it is is a good sign. if this way the people,security,and the governments continue and be careful and vigil in handling the situations, and keep an open eye on all antisocials. we will be able to achieve the target of a developed nation, which was possible much earlier but less attention towards education. reterded it. .
so if you summarise my blogs you can gat a fair idea of many reasons due to which we could not develop earlier.still many in india do not know when the pakistan originated, when and how bangla desh made. etc. we also need adult education to clear the facts so that a proper candidature may reach to parliment and state and people may elect a deserving,educated,and a real social worker who work ninety percent for country and ten percent for his family and friends that is natural and not be prevented. now it is not possible to find leaders who can only work for others.becuse in this materilistic world it is a matter to survive. all have to take care of their next and cannot be prevented. this phenomina is natural and cannot be denied. . now development can be done by practical approch, this the people have to decide to choose the right.
many of the people do not understand the rea;ity and facts due to blind faith,misguidance,illiteracy,and even due to poverty. it is fact that those only choose the wrong path who are not fearing of law,down trodden,mentally corrupt,sick due to no care, and not educated. an educater person is always concerned of his image,self respect,and honour. there are many antisocials who utilise their young children to fulfil their requirements,this is the reson more crime and criminals in backward areas, slums,and among illiterate people. they only give shelter to antisocials. they are only not cooperating the society ,administration. due to money they are always with antisocials. they have ambitions they know or taugt can be fulfilled without effots and labour. the antisocial take advantage. this is proved that terrorism also stated from smugglers who when saw that now there is no profit in goods,they diverted themselves towards drugs and arms=ammunition a profitable business. first they make addict to young of drugs and wealth and misuse them for illegal activities. the founders of terrorist groups used this in aFGHANISTAN AND PAKISTAN,AND EVEN IN KASHMIR AND N OTHER STATES ON CHINA BORDER AND TOOK ADVANTAGE OF IT. ALL IS DUE TO LACK OF EDUCATION AND BACKWADNESS DUE TO NO DEVELOPMENT OF INFRASTRUSTURE TO GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO IDEALS. empty mind is a house of devil,,,,,,SO IN CONTINUATION. AND MUCH MORE AFTER MY TREATMENT OF BOTH EYES I WILL HIGHLIGHT MORE ON HISTORICAL FACTS.
so if you summarise my blogs you can gat a fair idea of many reasons due to which we could not develop earlier.still many in india do not know when the pakistan originated, when and how bangla desh made. etc. we also need adult education to clear the facts so that a proper candidature may reach to parliment and state and people may elect a deserving,educated,and a real social worker who work ninety percent for country and ten percent for his family and friends that is natural and not be prevented. now it is not possible to find leaders who can only work for others.becuse in this materilistic world it is a matter to survive. all have to take care of their next and cannot be prevented. this phenomina is natural and cannot be denied. . now development can be done by practical approch, this the people have to decide to choose the right.
many of the people do not understand the rea;ity and facts due to blind faith,misguidance,illiteracy,and even due to poverty. it is fact that those only choose the wrong path who are not fearing of law,down trodden,mentally corrupt,sick due to no care, and not educated. an educater person is always concerned of his image,self respect,and honour. there are many antisocials who utilise their young children to fulfil their requirements,this is the reson more crime and criminals in backward areas, slums,and among illiterate people. they only give shelter to antisocials. they are only not cooperating the society ,administration. due to money they are always with antisocials. they have ambitions they know or taugt can be fulfilled without effots and labour. the antisocial take advantage. this is proved that terrorism also stated from smugglers who when saw that now there is no profit in goods,they diverted themselves towards drugs and arms=ammunition a profitable business. first they make addict to young of drugs and wealth and misuse them for illegal activities. the founders of terrorist groups used this in aFGHANISTAN AND PAKISTAN,AND EVEN IN KASHMIR AND N OTHER STATES ON CHINA BORDER AND TOOK ADVANTAGE OF IT. ALL IS DUE TO LACK OF EDUCATION AND BACKWADNESS DUE TO NO DEVELOPMENT OF INFRASTRUSTURE TO GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO IDEALS. empty mind is a house of devil,,,,,,SO IN CONTINUATION. AND MUCH MORE AFTER MY TREATMENT OF BOTH EYES I WILL HIGHLIGHT MORE ON HISTORICAL FACTS.
Friday, October 1, 2010
initiatives necessary
as observed in last few days if people are understanding and the administration is vigilant,strict,an eye is kept on antisocials,and the leaders are very understanding in giving their statements then no untowards incident can occur. now the critics are seeing the role of media. direct telecasts without editing not give the right message,and even create confusion. it is very necessary for peace in country that the telecasts should be edited. earlier when it was the age of news papers the editors were very learned and use to study in all aspects. many channels and spokesperson not followed the instructions of court not to explain the court order but many gave statement in the court premises itself. their was lot of variation in the statements given. on such occassions it is the role of media and channels to see to it. i saw that junior jounalists who had not even not got their official copy and was present on the court premises gave their conclusion in few minutes though even the law experts and others are still studying the fact. heading of the programmes telecasted afterwards wre of double eanig, a richshaw puller was telling on way to me that minesare found on site and one judge has sad it. to gain t.r.p., the channels started discussion with panels. commentig on ten thousand page judgement needed many days to study. how the experts came to give their comments. even those spritual leaders who were far away from their bases can comment .the only statement which was possible that day was to give statement to utter thanks to public for cooperation. to thank all leaders who gave thir message and statements seeing the hope for development of india, i am greatly thankful to famous firebrand leaders of many reputed parties and organization for their beautiful ,matured,and short stements. it has helped a great to make people in discipline. really a discipline in political parties can help a great to improve the country and the wrong will itself elimanate who to fulfill and to get cheap publicity deliver speeches agaist party agenda and idealogy and the party heads have to handle the situation. election strategy can not be followed in all times. i request the all tv channels head to look to find out a system to screen the views of a person before telecast, no early conclusions, can prevent such persons who go out of the topic. i was surprised that many senior jounalists,and even many other leaders who were called or connected in discussoon were not acting as a person to prevent confusins and were going out of the topic. i dont know that why the channels were competing with each other to bring a experts panel programme when at the moment understanding many senior people were not available. such programmes can be given after full study and preparation time to expert and anchor or presenter .so that discussions may be not out of topic and perfect. ....
so what all i want to mention on sesitive occassions senior and expericed people should be present on sources of news . it is not easy to extract the reality from senior and experienced profeesionals,leaders,organisation heads. experience makes the man perfct in all field. simply shoting and creating havoc is not journalism or reporting. many times in past immature and wrong reporting had given a wrong message. even in direct telecast the camera team sees that the person on air is going out of topic and can create panic atonce he can cut the telecast to studiuo or on site team can not understand we have the technology the producers and controllers of the programme can do the job. direct telecsts should be always supervised by a senior or experienced person and the govt. regulatory authorities shuld be very strict in national interest.
najeeb khan
so what all i want to mention on sesitive occassions senior and expericed people should be present on sources of news . it is not easy to extract the reality from senior and experienced profeesionals,leaders,organisation heads. experience makes the man perfct in all field. simply shoting and creating havoc is not journalism or reporting. many times in past immature and wrong reporting had given a wrong message. even in direct telecast the camera team sees that the person on air is going out of topic and can create panic atonce he can cut the telecast to studiuo or on site team can not understand we have the technology the producers and controllers of the programme can do the job. direct telecsts should be always supervised by a senior or experienced person and the govt. regulatory authorities shuld be very strict in national interest.
najeeb khan
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