Wednesday, February 16, 2011

all in vain

i had written a lot in my blogs,correspondence,columns and articles,about the problems of common men,immunned tendency of no work or duty not performed properly and efficiently and lack of proper in service courses and fitness program mes are very necessary.i have also written for proper monitoring by senior authorities.most of the staff can be seen either very thin or program-mes,duty schedule,medical checkup is very essential.over duty also makes the staff inefficient.proper hygienic rest places are very must.good hostel for non family employees in security,police dept,others should be given good facilities during outstation duties away from families.police dept should not be evaluated by the number of crimes registered but at how many they four wheeler vehicles and latest arms like Scotland yard London should be provided.years back i wrote to Delhi designates for c.c.t.v. at all important places that can keep an eye on anti socials. this also can be a help to senior officials to check the performance of senior subordinates or their juniors.on overlooking any problem they can be directed to see the problem.more attention to be given on private vehicles .govt undertaking vehicles like city buses should be penalized on genuine mistakes.orders for some improvement should not only applicable to govt. buses.and the private enjoying the moment when the person on duty is indulged with such.this i am highlighting that i saw on bhagwan more attention person on duty was running after on mpstrc bus due to no stoppage of such on bhagwan. he was pointed out by mediators generally on bhagwan to divert the mind of officer.previously such buses were picking passengers from bhagwan but an order came that passengers will be taken only from isbt.without allotting any place to pick the passengers to Delhi,mathura,or other places.such decision harm only govt.undertaking or common man and the private take advantage of commuting to little distance,and also waste time.if the encroachment is removed then there is lot of space for getting passengers up and down.all decisions can be taken keeping in mind other consequences which will only increase more vehicles on highway to isbt which is already overloaded and facing jam problems in khandari.measures to be taken such that may reduce rush on road.if people will no from bhagwan more private cars and scooters etc will go to isbt.govt buses boarding on way reduces load on roads.which other private carriers not like due to loss of their.rush on crossings and stand is all due to no full time monitoring and can be checked round the clock checks.agra traffic needs lot of reforms and control.there was less jams when electronically controlled traffic lights were in use.the traffic police job was only to supervise and prevent wrong driving.the time can be adjusted as per the load flow.hope the planners of city will look in the matter and find out measures with the help of traffic experts in their department.strictness can reduce the problem traffic and parking rules should be followed.not the liberty of vehicle owners to park any where.parking only at specified places applicable to all allowances for anybody.rules are for everybody to follow.patrolling at all busy roads to be done in routine.

najeeb khan

Monday, February 14, 2011

it was overlooked

our country india have many well developed cities,but they are only due to their residents and initiatives taken by the locals.agra was also city of baghs,gardens when it developed.due to its geographical nature it developed in high areas.those days flood use to come often.the tilas known in Hindi developed for houses this is the reason that agra have too many up and downs. when yamuna diverted more land which was fertile and plain developed for residential well known that agra fort was also made on the remains of old raj put i have mentioned earlier in my writings that the rulers use to choose such ruined places to down the cost of buildings and due to tactical importance.very few people know that the third gate of jama masjid agra was in front of agra fort and in the compound there use to be weekly bazaar,rawat para was just near river and all goods use to go by boats to other mandis or chavnis of then rulers.when Britishers occupied agra they used the compound for their horse,much part of agra fort was demolished for barracks.there were many paintings in agra fort,fatehpur sikri mahals of then painters but all destroyed during the invasion of jats,or carried away by locals after wards.the city had many hawelis then called katras,of the nobles of Moguls the name are still in use.they had gates and at high places. the kothis of rajputs associates of mughals were also in of them was also taken for extension of tajmahal then known as mumtaz mahal ka makbara.when shahjehan could not make his dream makbara opposite taj,after death was buried near mumtaz,this is the reason that the that shahjehan grave is on one side.this is not seen in moghul architecture.
slowly the city developed unplanned and the encroachment was not stopped.i remember that in raja ki mandi the four wheelers use to easily pass,but now due to parking and illegal shops the way is packed.then n.m.p.,gave the nallah and side road for market but now it is headache for main old rajakimandi.previously both side of agra college hostels were vacant lands.people have forgotten that it was nuzul land and permanent structures have raised.we are old residents of that area we know about it.the old market started from kanhiya building that place road is broad.same happened with yamuna kinara road the master plan was not kept in mind and the structures were not seen to leave space for double road,if somewhere left it is covered by boundary.few years back land from jeevni Mandi to water works was not occupied and that time possibility was to broaden the road.same was possibility at many places on m.g.road the boundaries of many colleges were rebuilt after broadening of road during there huge building and it was not cared of during passing of plans by a.d.a.,the space left for parking is also now there is one possibility to reduce the rush on m.g. road that is elevated road.the roads can be brought down at important places on either side where space is available.the modern architecture can design in beautiful bye passes are already in construction the structure on this important roads will not be heavy.pillars can be designed like of metro in Delhi.
agra is famous all over the world and many dignitaries come to this place.they also want to visit old colleges and old city.but generally seeing such jam position they give adverse comments in their memoirs.this spoils the image of country.agra have always faced problems due to no civil aerodrome so generally visitors come by road.and it not possible if they want to see historical places they may not enter the city.people come to see taj. residents of agra sacrifice by holding of traffic for hours,and then also they not get business that is shared by Delhi due to all operators not let stay in agra telling them it is backward and dirty to stay. many presidents can celled in last few months their visit to agra due to adverse reports.
many times i wrote that due to no attention and no proper planning agra have suffered development,no concrete efforts were done by past representation.
still the problems can be resolved if all is done in planned way.special projects can improve the image of agra.the solution is quality work,planned work,support by locals,keeping apart there personal benefits,obey law and order,the cause of jams is mainly due to haphazard access in rush.not following traffic rules,manually controlled traffic signals,yesterday i saw on bhagwan on duty not bothered of other vehicles,was indulged in interstate bus turning towards isbt and their was jam on other sides.more attentions on problems which are not major.wonder more strict on government undertaking buses and other private enjoying the liberty.why the senior authorities not inspect without uniform to see the reality.concerned are requested to check and more attention needed to be strict on those who are not obeying laws.upsrtc buses running vacant and private conveyances overloaded,overcapacity.i wrote previously that by strict compliance of rules and regulations more revenue can be earned.nothing can be done if not managed properly,incentive can be given to those who are earning more revenue.good control will also give appreciation for good governance and praise to administration,and people will face less problems.overloading in any vehicle gives space to corruption in many forms well known by officials.
my writings are not to find out faults in anyone or to criticize anybody but only suggestions on my observation which i think that such problems can be resolved or it is a electronic age of c.c.t.v. or coverage by media.nothing is invisible and can be observed by seniors at every moment.
najeeb khan agra 282005

Friday, February 11, 2011

start from yourself....

the problems can be resolved to maximum if the citizens is not possible by govt. agencies to look after everything if the residents think it a task of n.m.p.for maintaining the cities of India.i observed in many cities and even in my locality the people destroy the public property for little interest like space for their vehicles to park,generators,etc. the drains could not be leveled properly due to encroachments on drains. many were removed but those who had jack or near to parshads(corporators) slabs were left and the drains still blocked .water can be seen filled in rainy such mean mentalities always give hindrance in development properly.
many tree guards were removed and the plants grown by forest department could not survive.the bricks of the guards of tree were taken away by the contractors.due to understanding between political people and contractors the old constructed work is renovated and shown as knew and the purpose for which projects are brought go useless.the corruption and ignorance and NO SUPERVISION DURING CONSTRUCTION is the reason of poor quality constructions.during the work of roads and drains i saw that the work was on mistris of contractors and the officials only came at the time of measurement.if such will be the practice how government is committed to right work.simply yojnas can not help the country unless guaranteed that the allotted funds are utilized properly,and used where required.i have personally seen that big contractors do not undertake contracts in rural areas or undeveloped urban areas because the work is done from grass root level and no space of simply finishing.

there are many roads which are constructed every six months or later on and again they come in worst condition.this is only due to no construction as per standard or decades back construction was good because it was constructed in strict supervision not as now all is controlled from air conditioned offices.officers reach offices after mid day and the subordinates say they are on site.but actually they come late from their homes.nobody is answerable,some supported by politicians,some by unions vice versa. if the bosses will come late then why the sub staff. the official mobiles are switched of and the p.a. say that sahib is busy in meeting. try for yourself. whenever somebody to come from headquarters or ministry all come on time.the mobile serves prior information by there nears from headquarters. this can only finish by routine checks and the mentality as of British times not to work and no tendency of no work changes. if we are faithful to our job we are not faithful to country,such are not the true citizens who do not feel responsible for their duties.the tendency and attitude i have researched on employees sine in last thirty years.
if all citizens and nationals of India change their attitude and tendency the picture of country can be different.there are many measures which can prevent and reduce corruption and overload of those who want to work as per their norms and are true nationals and non corrupt.the corruption can be stopped from top level.politicians,aristocrats,bureaucrats and also common man should now stop thinking for their personal benefits. think for India and help all.
najeeb khan
agra 282005
education help india
zoyanasolutions f.a.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

not successful in india

in our country many inter caste and inter religion marriages take place.there are very famous past marriages but mostly in common society it is still not acceptable,there is always no acceptance by parents,but surprising that generally gents accept such,but female members generally not cooperating.either more work is taken and somewhere not allowed in kitchen.the women who leaves everything for her spouse feel very sad and humiliated on many occasions
even sometimes the parents are successful in getting divorce and the man who use to dream of real love cooperate his parents. but what is the effect of it on the women who in love married such against the will of her parents is of nowhere.generally 99%male are not faithful after love marriages.they easily even in the celebrities the first marriage of amir khan,though many were successful but only due to their broadmindedness and high profile.very high profile marriages like daughter of mohd ali jinnah,nawob patudi,sharukh khan are successful.but such are not accepted in middle class families due to there orthodox nature and mentality.
so by this blog i suggest to the young not to flow in emotions and first see the status of family and background.generally the boys make fool of girls and in the end girls face problem in their whole life. many such marriage i know were failure doe to narrow mindedness of their families.thousands of girls lost their virginity and the boys remarried and living good life with other wife.the other wife never complaint of virginity of men but the girl is never accepted as such due to her first marriage.she becomes second hand but the boy never.
so i suggest girls to not copy foreign culture we in large are not advanced as other part of world. be very particular of such affairs and be away of depression,virginity loss or why to become second hand deciding such marriages without any guarantee.our country is very far behind in this respect and will take decades to be advanced.i know many whose parents got separation by giving compensation but will it bring back her prestige and days which she lost for such men who were mean to there promises and left the girl in between though earlier they must have promised to make their life a paradise.beware of such and girls do not get bluffed in emotions or flirts.
najeeb khan agra. 282005
education help india